FORAMS 2022, the next International Symposium on Foraminifera, has been postponed to 2023 due to still ongoing pandemic conditions: therefore, it is now labelled as…
Registration for the TMS annual conference is now open. For more details, and to register, please visit:
The new edition of the Cypris IRGO newletter has now been published, and can be found on the ostracod group page of the website.
The Micropalaeontological Society Silicofossil and Palynology Joint meeting will take place on the 30th of June to the 1st of July 2022 at Northumbria University,…
We are pleased to announce that we are launching a seminar series on foraminiferal research as a joint initiative between The Micropalaeontological Society and the…
The annual conference of the Micropalaeontological Society will be held at MARUM, the University of Bremen, Germany between 9th and 11th November 2022. The theme…
The French Ostracodologists’ Group and the International Research Group on Ostracoda are pleased to invite you to attend the 19th International Symposium on Ostracoda that will be held…
Dear Paleoceanography community and friends, We are excited to announce that registration and abstract submission for ICP14 are now open! Please visit the ICP14 homepage for registration and lots…
Our first Special Issue of the Newsletter, with the abstracts from the 2021 annual meeting is now available to download.
There will be a pre-christmas Cocco Catch-up on the 14th December on Zoom. More details can be found on the event page.
We are delighted to invite you to the TMS Foraminifera Festival: a virtual foram-themed day of talks and posters on Friday 27th August, 06:00-16:30 UTC…
We are pleased to annouce that all the keynote talks from the TMS 2020 conference are now available to watch on the conference website.
The International Nannoplankton Association (INA) is happy to announce NannoTalks Volume 2, starting Monday 19th April at 15:00 UTC. Tune in to our transmission on YouTube: Our…
TMS Nannofossil Group ‘Cocco Catch-Up’, hosted from University College London Thursday, 22nd July 2021 from 13:30 UK time (12:30 UTC). We are pleased to annouce that…
We are looking for volunteers to host next year’s Annual Conference! The Annual Conference takes place in November and typically consists of a day of…