The 18th International Nannoplankton Association Meeting will be held at the Palais des Papes Conference Centre, Avignon, France between 29th August and 2th September 2021. We hope that everyone will be able to travel safely a year from now, and we are looking forward to a large turnout from the entire calcareous nannoplankton community, especially from those within Europe.
As is the tradition, we plan to organize a 1-day fieldtrip on the Sunday 29th August (followed by the Icebreaker Party), and a 2-day fieldtrip after the conference (3-4th September). Both will be in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur Region.
In the autumn, there will be a call for session and workshop proposals, so please start thinking about anything you are interested in proposing. Further information can be found at the conference website:, which we will update as the conference dates approach with registration details etc. We expect to open early-bird registration in early 2021.
We look forward to hosting you in Avignon,
The INA18 organisers: L. Beaufort, C. Bolton & B. Suchéras-Marx
CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France
ina18 (at)