The French Ostracodologists’ Group and the International Research Group on Ostracoda are pleased to invite you to attend the 19th International Symposium on Ostracoda that will be held in Lyon at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 from July 18th-22nd 2022.
Hopefully the pandemic situation in France will be better in July than it is at the moment (France accounted for about 10% of the World covid cases this week…). The ISO meetings are rare occasions for ostracodologists of different countries, disciplines, generations to meet and discuss so we’ll do anything we can to maintain the meeting in person.
We would like to strongly encourage the younger generation (MScs, PhDs, Postdocs) to come and present their work in front of our welcoming community. The IRGO will provide at least two travel grants (up to 1000€) to students that have no other source of funds for attending the conference. The two best student abstracts will be selected by the advisory board of SF*IRGO ( for the attribution of these grants and the laureates will be notified on April 30th the latest.
We also know that not every one of you will be able to attend the meeting. Those participants that know, or expect, that they will be unable to attend in person because of travel, health or mobility restrictions will still be able to present their work and follow the conference online. If their abstracts are accepted, they will be invited to submit pre-recorded talks ahead of the meeting and to attend a live virtual Q&A session after their talks. Oral sessions during the meeting will therefore be a mix of predominantly live, in-person presentations and some pre-recorded presentations, presented to both the in-person and virtual audience. The symposium will thus be fully streamed for virtual attendees but social events taking place in Lyon will be for in-person attendees only.
To find out more, visit