Integrating records from the oceans and epicontinental seas
27-30 June 2011, Krakow, Poland
Dear friends,
We welcome all friends of Micropalaeontology to take part in the annual TMS joint Foram/Nannofossil Group meeting which is combined with the Eighth Polish Micropalaeontological Workshop „MIKRO-2011”, which will take place at the AGH University of Science & Technology and the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Jagiellonian University on June 27 – 30, 2011.
The theme of the TMS joint Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups meeting will be “Integrating records from the oceans and epicontinental seas”, a title that we hope will stimulate a wide variety of scientific discusison.
The theme of the associated MIKRO workshop will be “Micropaleontological development of the Polish Carpathians”, and will include a one-day field excursion to the Carpathian flysch. The topics of the joint meeting are, however, open, and will include all aspects of Micropalaeontology including systematics, taphonomy, stratigraphy and (paleo)ecology.
The meetings will consist of plenary sessions for oral presentations, poster sessions, and demonstration workshops where participants can bring microscope slides for demonstration and discussion. We invite everyone to take part in the scientific sessions and bring microscope slides for discussion. We also invite you to sign up for the one-day field excursion to see micropaleontologically documented exposures in the Carpathian Flysch south of Krakow.
Please register using the application form. Please send the completed form to the meeting secretary before March 1st, 2011. Conference fees are given at the bottom of this page and may be paid online via PayPal or by bank transfer.
For further information please contact the meeting secretary.
We look forwards to seeing you in Krakow,
Honorary Patrons
Prof. dr hab. Marian Adam Gasiński – President of the Polish Geological Society
Prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Słomka – Pro-Rector of the AGH University of Science & Technology
Prof. dr hab. Joachim Szulc – Chairman, Institute of Geological Science, Jagiellonian University
Organizing Committee
Dr Anna Waśkowska (AGH) – koordynator
Dr Marta Bąk (ING UJ)
Dr hab. Mike Kamiński (Grzybowski Foundation Chairman)
Dr Michal Kucera (Former President, TMS)
Dr Kate Darling (TMS Foram group)
Dr Phil Sexton (TMS Foram group)
Dr Karl-Heinz Baumann (TMS Nannofossil group)
Dr Tom Dunkley Jones (TMS Nannofossil group)
Lic. Magdalena Lorenc-Drelicharz (ING UJ)
Dr Agnieszka Ciurej (ING PAN)
Dr hab. Krzysztof Bąk (UP Kraków)
Dr Ramona Bălc (BBU)
Dr hab. inż. Marek Cieszkowski (ING UJ)
Dr hab. inż. Jan Golonka (AGH)
Prof. Felix Gradstein (UiO Geology Museum)
Dr hab. Jarosław Tyszka (PAN)
[infopane color=”6″ icon=”0361.png”]Jump to: Presentations and abstracts, Preliminary program, Online payment of conference fees, Accomodation[/infopane]
We welcome all oral and poster presentations for the joint TMS Foram/Nannofossil Group – „MIKRO-2011” Meeting. The allocated time for oral presentations will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion. Posters should be prepared in portrait format (in English).
The Abstract volume will be published in print form and on-line as a Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication. Please prepare the abstract as a MS Word file in .doc format (Times New Roman, 11 point font, single spaced, with 2.5 cm margins). The format of the abstracts can be found in the abstract volume of the previous MIKRO-2009 meeting, which can be accessed from the Grzybowski Foundation website. Any figures should be sent as separate files in jpg, bmp, or tif format. Abstracts (with any figures) should be no bigger than one A4 page. We can send you an example of the abstract format, if requested. Please send the abstract to the address of the meeting secretary no later than March 15th, 2011.
We also encourage meeting participants to send scientific contributions which will appear as a separate volume (or volumes) of the Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the instructions to authors published by the ASGP. Manuscripts should be submitted to ASGP before April 30th, 2011. Please indicate that the manuscript is for the TMS/MIKRO-2011 meeting.
27.06.2011 (Monday)
- Arrival / Open house & welcoming reception at the Grzybowski Libary/ Geological Museum of the Jagiellonian University
- Business meetings (Grzybowski Foundation)
28.06.2011 (Tuesday)
- Oral presentations at AGH University of Science of Technology
- Micropaleontological Workshops
- Poster Session
29.06.2011 (Wednesday)
- Optional Field Excursion (Sucha Beskidzka – Zawoja area)
30. 06.2011 (Thursday)
- Oral presentations at AGH University of Science of Technology
- Micropaleontological Workshops
- Poster Session
The meeting fees are as follows and include: conference materials (excludes accompanying persons), participation in technical sessions, conference dinner, refreshments during the technical sessions. The Conference Fee does not include accommodation costs.
-professional attendance £69.50
-student attendance £39.50
-fee for accompanying person £24.50
Online payment of fees is no longer available. Payment of the fees via bank transfer remains possible, please contact the meeting secretary as soon as possible for details.
The field excursion is now full and no further applications for this will be accepted. Please note that only those who paid the fee at the time of application will be able to attend the trip – if you are uncertain on how this affects you, please contact the meeting secretary.
Meeting participants should make their own arrangements for accommodation. The meeting takes place in the centre of Krakow, where a wide range of accommodation can be found. Click here to dowload a list of several local hotels and hostels within walking distance from AGH.
Meeting co-sponsors
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