TMS Annual Conference 2022

The annual conference of the Micropalaeontological Society will be held at MARUM, the University of Bremen, Germany between 9th and 11th November 2022.

The theme of the conference “The microfossil record of ecosystem response to global change” and the scientific diversity of the targeted audience is illustrated by the keynote speakers:

  • Dr. Clara Bolton, CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France
  • Dr. Moriaki Yasuhara, Swire Institute of Marine Science at the University of Hong Kong, China
  • Dr. Sofia Ribeiro, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Dr. Nicolaas Glock, Institute for Geology, Hamburg University, Germany
  • Dr. David Lazarus, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany

Next to two full conference days (10-11th November), there will be an opportunity to organize half-day workshops on Wednesday 9th November, followed by the Icebreaker Party.

Registration is now open

The ab­stract sub­mis­sion dead­line is 30 Septem­ber 2022. Re­gis­tra­tion for par­ti­cipants who do not wish to present any­thing at the con­fer­ence will re­main open un­til 9 Oc­to­ber 2022. To register, please visit the conference website: