We are delighted to invite you to the TMS Foraminifera Festival: a virtual foram-themed day of talks and posters on Friday 27th August, 06:00-16:30 UTC (07:00-17:30 BST) taking place on Zoom. The Festival features four sessions of talks (15 min) and posters, each convened by a group of 4-5 early career researchers.
Provisional schedule
Session | Time (UTC) | Speaker | Title |
Session 1 | 06:00 | Intro to Foram Festival Session 1 | |
06:05 | Dharma Andrea Reyes Macaya | Carbon isotopes in modern Southeast Pacific Benthic Foraminifera: Paleoceanographic implications | |
06:20 | Takashi Toyofuku | Little by little Foraminifera laboratory culture goes far | |
06:35 | Lukas Jonkers | Large variability in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma stable isotope ratios from isothermal conditions: implications for single foraminifera analysis | |
06:50 | Jennifer Scott | Monsoon evolution in the western Arabian Sea: insights into hemispheric controls and temperature evolution over the last 120 ka BP | |
07:05 | Eleanor John | Keynote: TBC | |
07:20 | Flavia Boscolo-Galazzo | Keynote: Matches and mismatches of Mg/Ca and δ18O in planktonic foraminifera: a multispecies comparison through time and across space | |
07:35 | BREAK | ||
08:00 | Poster Session | ||
08:30 | Break-out A | ||
Session 2 | 09:00 | Intro to Foram Festival Session 2 | |
09:05 | Giulia Margaritelli | Keynote: Planktonic foraminifera and climate changes: the last 2000 years | |
09:20 | Mónica Bolívar Feriche | Correlation of planktonic and shallow-benthic zonations in a middle Miocene succession from SE Spain | |
09:35 | Louise Callard | Virtual foraminifera: using eSlide for online microfossil identification | |
09:50 | Allison Hsiang | Automated community ecology of planktonic foraminifera using deep learning | |
10:05 | Anieke Brombacher | 3Dforam: an R package to analyse shell growth in 3 dimensions | |
10:20 | BREAK | ||
10:35 | General Poster Session | ||
11:05 | BREAK | ||
Session 3 | 11:30 | Intro to Foram Festival Session 3 | |
11:35 | Haruka Takagi | Keynote: Advances in planktonic foraminiferal photosymbiosis research: Partnership, photophysiology, and implications on evolution | |
11:50 | Rikza Nur Faqih An Nahar | Study of the September 28th 2018 Tsunamigenic Landslide Deposits in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Based on Foraminifera Data | |
12:05 | Johanna Schmidt | How to distinguish contourites and turbidites using benthic foraminifera | |
12:20 | James Mulqueeney | Assessing the impact of climate change on the structural integrity of benthic foraminifera during the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum – implications for future climate change | |
12:35 | Kate Darling | Not seeing the wood for the trees: A case for obligate alternation of generation in non-spinose planktonic foraminifera | |
12:50 | Daniel E. Gaskell | CO2 capture explains δ13C vital effects in foraminifera | |
Session 4 | 13:05 | Poster Session | |
13:35 | Break-out B | ||
14:05 | Intro to Foram Festival Session 4 | ||
14:10 | Sulia Goeting | Diversity and depth distribution of modern benthic foraminifera offshore Brunei Darussalam | |
14:25 | Anna Saupe | Biogeographic patterns of benthic foraminifera in contourite drift systems of the high-latitude North Atlantic Ocean | |
14:40 | Maxime Daviray | Ecology of benthic foraminifera in a mudflat subjected to cable bacterial activity | |
14:55 | Tiago Menezes Freire | Paleoceanographic conditions through MIS 4 in the mid-latitude Western South Atlantic based on planktonic Foraminifera | |
15:10 | Yahel Eshed | Benthic foraminifera associated with seagrass as a model ecosystem for monitoring environmental changes | |
15:25 | Abduljamiu Olalekan Amao | Keynote: The future of benthic foraminiferal diversity in the Arabian Gulf: a system under pressure from climate change | |
15:40 | BREAK | ||
Awards Ceremony | 16:05 | Awards for best poster and talk |
We look forward to e-meeting you in August,
The Foraminifera Festival Coordinators
Dr. Anieke Brombacher (University of Southampton, TMS Events Secretary)
Dr. Babette Hoogakker (Heriot-Watt University, TMS Foraminifera Group Chair)
Dr. Lyndsey Fox (Kingston University, TMS Foraminifera Group Secretary)
Dr. Manuel Weinkauf (Charles University in Prague, TMS Newsletter Editor)
Dr. Rehemat Bhatia (TMS Publicity Officer)