UPCOMING DINO11th in Bordeaux, France
The upcoming Dino11th meeting will be held in Bordeaux in 2017. After Tübingen, Egham, Zeist, Trondheim, and Liverpool, this town will thus be the 6th European metropolis (since 1978) to welcome dinoflagellate specialists from both the modern and fossil realms. Apart from its famous vineyards, Bordeaux is a strategic paleo(environmental) center with rapid access to internationally referenced geological sites (Aquitanian and Burdigalian stratotypes, Campanian/Maastrichtian GSSP, K/T boundary, Quercy phosphorites, dinosaur tracks), and to aquatic ecosystems of exceptional interest (Bay of Arcachon, Gironde estuary, Bay of Biscay, Aquitain lakes…)
Collegially co-opted by the french “Dinos” community (see involved people below), and with the support of the APLF (Association des palynologues de langue francais), the host will be the EPOC laboratory from Bordeaux University. This lab (http://www.epoc.u-bordeaux.fr/index.php?lang=en&page=accueil) mixes micropaleontological and biological approaches to study modern and past environment evolution throughout times.
Involved people from the EPOC group (local organization): Frédérique Eynaud, Laurent Londeix (paleoclimatogy team/ biostratigraphy and paleobiodiversity) & Yolanda Del Amo (Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Coastal Systems) with the help of Marie-Hèlène Castera, Linda Rossignol & Jean-Louis Turon.
French partners:
– UMR CNRS/MNHN/UPMC 7207 Centre de recherche sur la paléobiodiversité et les paléoenvironnements, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Edwige Masure)
– CNRS UMR 8217 Géosystèmes, Université Lille 1, UFR des Sciences de la Terre, 59655 Villeneuve D’Ascq cedex (Thomas Servais),
– Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques (LDO), IUEM, Place Nicolas Copernic, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 29280 Plouzané (Aurélie Penaud),
– ECOSYM « Ecology of Marine Coastal Systems » Laboratory – UMR CNRS Montpellier II University, CC 093 – Place E. Bataillon – 34095 Montpellier cedex 05 (Mohamed Laabir),
– Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur mer, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, CNRS UMR 7093 -BP 28, 06234 Villefranche-sur-mer –France (Rodolphe Lemée).
Frédérique Eynaud, Laurent Londeix