- The Silicofossil Group studies siliceous microfossils including diatoms, radiolarians, silicoflagellates, sponge spicules, ebridians, phytoliths, and some scolecodonts
- The Palynology Group studies organic-walled palynomorphs that can be found in sedimentary archives, including acritarchs, to dinoflagellate cysts, pollen, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs
- The Foraminifera Group represents the interests of all micropalaeontologists with research and applied interests in the foraminifera
- The Ostracod Group represents the interests of all micropalaeontologists with research and applied interests in the ostracoda
- The Nannofossil Group studies coccoliths and nannoliths, which are the calcareous remains of single-celled marine planktonic algae. They are typically 3-30um in size and range from the Triassic to Recent