Officers of the Society are drawn from the Membership. The Main Committee comprises a President, Secretary and Treasurer, with a three-year term of office. The Secretary and Treasurer may seek re-election for a second term of three years. The main committee also includes the editors of the Journal, Special Publications and Newsletter, the Membership Secretary, the Webmaster, the Publicity Officer and the Archivist. They are elected for a three-year office term and are eligible to stand for a second term. A representative of each specialist group must be present at each main committee meeting. Group Representative positions are normally held for two years.
The first committee meeting was held in 1971 (Leslie Moore as Chairman and Bernard Owens as Secretary/Treasurer), and the inaugural meeting took place in association with the Geological Society in Sheffield (‘Microfossils and British Stratigraphy’) during March of that year.
Information on procedures and meetings is available under the Committee Procedures tab.
Group Representatives
Renata Moura de Mello
(Petrobras, Brazil)
Irina Polovodova Asteman
(University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Pietro Bazzicalupo
(University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Doms Guballa
(University of Toronto, Canada)
Lucy Roberts
Ella Quante
(Friedrich Schiller University Jena
/Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology, Germany)
Luke Mander
(Open University, UK)
Ingrid Romero
(Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, USA)
Savannah Worne
(Loughborough University, UK)
Luca Pellegrino
(University of Torino, Italy)