The Society has many awards to recognise achievements across different career paths and stages. Please click on one for more information. We also provide grants of money, such as the Angelina Messina Grant and the Frances Parker Grant.
Award information and winners can be found in the drop-down menu.
The Brady Medal
This is the highest award of The Micropalaeontological Society. It is named in honour of George Stewardson Brady (1832-1921) and Henry Bowman Brady (1835-1891) in recognition of their outstanding pioneering studies in micropalaeontology and natural history.
The Medal is awarded to scientists who have had a major influence on micropalaeontology by means of a substantial body of excellent research. Service to the scientific community may also be a factor for consideration by the Award Committee. The medal was commissioned and awarded for the first time in 2007 to Prof. John W. Murray.
The Medal is cast in bronze from original sculptures commissioned by The Micropalaeontological Society in 2007. The sculptor is Anthony Stones, a Fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors and President (1999-2004) of The Society of Portrait Sculptors. The Medal is hand-crafted by the leading sculpture foundry Pangolin Editions of Chalford, England.

2023 Brady Medal Winner

Prof. Kate Darling
The presentation of the Brady Medal to Prof. Kate Darling during the TMS Annual Meeting
Previous Recipients of the Brady Medal
- 2022: Prof. David Horne
- 2021: no award made
- 2020: Dr Joyce Singano
- 2019: Prof. Patrick De Deckker
- 2018: Prof. Malcolm Hart
- 2017: Prof. John R. Haynes
- 2016: Prof. Ellen Thomas
- 2015: Dr Marty Buzas
- 2014: Prof. David Siveter
- 2013: Dr Graham Lee Williams
- 2012: Prof. Richard J. Aldridge
- 2011: Prof. John A. Barron
- 2010: Prof. Christopher R. Barnes
- 2009: Prof. Thomas M. Cronin
- 2008: Prof. Katharina von Salis
- 2007: Prof. John W. Murray
Mechanism for making a nomination
All nominations must be made via this nomination form. Nominations must have a Proposer and a Seconder, who should be Members of the Society and not be affiliated with the same institute as the person they nominate. Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence, and in no circumstance should the person nominated be informed.
All applications must be received by the 28th of February each year.
The Todd and Low Award
Presented annually to a mid-career scientist in recognition of their commitment to fostering positive and inclusive environments
The Todd and Low Award is named in honour of Ruth Todd (1913 – 1984) and Doris Low (1920 – 2008). Ruth Todd was one of the world’s leading authorities on foraminifera and studied both fossil and modern species from all over the world, with expertise in taxonomy and systematics, biostratigraphy and (palaeo)ecology. Ruth was also the first recipient of the Joseph A. Cushman Award and was elected a GSA Fellow in 1955. Ruth Todd acted as a mentor to Doris Low, who became a proficient foraminifera researcher in her own right. Together, they curated the Cushman Foraminifera Collection and managed the Ruth Todd Memorial Library (which began as the Joseph Cushman Library) at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. This award, which recognises the importance of teaching and mentorship, was named after these researchers because of their positive mentor-mentee relationship, and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
The Todd and Low Award is given to a mid-career scientist, 10 to 30 years from the highest attained degree (excluding career breaks). This award will recognise candidates who demonstrate a commitment to teaching, mentoring, EDI, accessibility and fostering a positive culture within their workplace environment. We value, welcome and encourage applications for this award from those in academia and industry alike.
There are many ways in which individuals can evidence their commitment to these principles include:
- Working with and/or mentoring individuals, particularly those from historically underrepresented groups in geoscience
- Actively participating in learned society/service committee(s)
- Implementing EDI and accessibility initiatives within their community
- Showcasing micropalaeontology (and allied fields) to the public/education groups through public engagement activities
- Being a positive role model to others
A career break for this award is defined as a substantial period of leave which would impact professional endeavours and trajectory, such as parental leave, medical leave and trying out new careers (not an exhaustive list). For the committee’s information, career breaks should be noted briefly, if known, so that the panel can assess the application thoroughly and appropriately. We would like to reassure applicants that this information will not disadvantage them and that all applications are confidential.
Any information and/or EDI strategies mentioned within applications will be treated with full confidence and stay within panel discussions. The information will not be used to inform any society activities. Nominators will remain anonymous to the awarding committee.
The award will be presented at the Micropalaeontology Society’s Annual General Meeting held in November each year. The award is meant to serve as a substantive endorsement of the value of the recipient’s work made by their peers. The first award was made in 2021.
Nominations can be made by any TMS member. Nominees need not be TMS members. To make a nomination, please complete the form here, which will ask for the name of two nominators (one of whom must be a TMS member) and relationship to the nominee; the name, e-mail address, graduation date and place of highest academic qualification of the nominee; and a brief (max. 500 words) case for support.
All applications must be received by the 28th of February each year.
All nominations will be considered at the Spring TMS Committee meeting. Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence and the person nominated should not be informed.
Unsuccessful nominations will be retained for re-assessment the following year, with the option for the nomination to be updated. After this, resubmission is possible for a further year, assuming that the individual remains eligible (three submissions total).
We additionally expect nominees to adhere to the Nolan Principles of Public Life. We remind nominators that TMS is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.
For further information or questions, please contact the TMS secretary at
Alan Higgins Award
Presented annually to an early career scientist in recognition of significant achievement in applied and industrial micropalaeontology.
Alan Charles Higgins (1936–2004) was a micropalaeontologist and expert on conodonts who made major contributions to Palaeozoic biostratigraphy and helped firmly establish the value of micropalaeontology in hydrocarbon exploration. He was the founding member of TMS, its past Chairman and Honorary Member. The award has been established with the help of Alan’s family and friends to commemorate his contribution to micropalaeontology and to encourage early career researchers in the field.
The Alan Higgins Award is given to an early career scientist, less than 10 years from graduation (excluding career breaks), in recognition of significant achievement in the field of applied and industrial micropalaeontology, as documented by publications, software, patents, leadership or educational activities. We value, welcome and encourage applications for this award from those in academia and industry alike.
The award will be presented at the Micropalaeontology Society’s Annual General Meeting held in November each year. The award is meant to serve as a substantive endorsement of the value of the recipient’s work made by their peers. The first award was made in 2010.
To make a nomination, please complete the form here, which will ask for the name and e-mail address of two nominators (one of whom must be a TMS member) and relationship to the nominee; the name, e-mail address, graduation date, and place of highest academic qualification of the nominee; and a brief (max. 500 words) case for support.
All applications must be received by the 28th of February each year.
All nominations will be considered at the Spring TMS Committee meeting. Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence and the person nominated should not be informed. Nominations can be made by any TMS member. Nominees need not be TMS members.
Unsuccessful nominations will be retained for re-assessment the following year, with the option for the nomination to be updated. After this, resubmission is possible for a further year assuming that the individual remains eligible (three submissions total).
We additionally expect nominees to adhere to the Nolan Principles of Public Life. We remind nominators that TMS is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.
For further information or any questions please contact the TMS secretary at
2023 Alan Higgins Award Winner
Raúl Trejos Tamayo
Past recipients of the Alan Higgins Award:
- 2022: Allison Hsiang
- 2020: Raphael Morard
- 2019: Abduljamiu Amao
- 2018: Haytham El Atfy
- 2017: Eiichi Setoyama
- 2016: Fabrizio Frontalini
- 2015: Tom Hill
- 2013: Erik Anthonissen
- 2012: Tom Dunkley Jones
- 2011: Bridget Wade
- 2010: Severyn Kender
Charles Downie Award
Presented annually to an early career researcher for the most significant publication
The late Charles Downie was a pioneer of palynology in the U.K. and a mentor who guided the thinking and development of many postgraduate students who passed through the University of Sheffield. Through the efforts of former colleagues at Sheffield, a permanent memorial was established to recognize Charles’ contribution to micropalaeontology.
An award is made annually to an early career researcher who, in the opinion of the Committee, has published the most significant original paper in any journal or book based on their postgraduate research in the previous year that includes micropalaeontology. Significance is understood as the extent to which the work has influenced, or has the capacity to influence, knowledge and scholarly thought, or the development and understanding of policy and/or practice. The award of a 1-year free membership to the Society will be presented at the Micropalaeontology Society’s Annual General Meeting held in November each year.
To make a nomination, please complete the form here, which will ask for your name and e-mail address, the name and e-mail address of the nominee and a link to an open-access version of the paper. If an open-access version of the article is not available, then please send a PDF of the paper to the TMS Secretary and make sure to include “Charles Downie Award” in the subject header. All applications must be received by the 28th of February each year (for articles published in the previous year).
All nominations will be considered at the Spring TMS Committee meeting. Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence and the person nominated should not be informed. Nominations can be made by any TMS member. Nominees need not be TMS members. We welcome and encourage nominations for this award for those in academia and industry alike.
2023 Winner of the Charles Downie Award
Tonke Strack (MARUM, University of Bremen) M., 2022. Plankton response to global warming is characterized by non-uniform shifts in assemblage composition since the last ice age. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, pp. 1871-1880
Past recipients of the Charles Downie Award:
- 2022: Savannah Worne (Nottingham Trent University)
Worne, S., Stroynowski, Z., Kender, S. and Swann, G.E., 2021. Sea-ice response to climate change in the Bering Sea during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 259, p.106918. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106918 - 2021: Chloe Jones (University of Southampton)
Jones, CLC, Schmidt, DN, Robinson, MM, & De Schepper, S (2020). Planktic foraminiferal test size and weight response to the late Pliocene environment. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35(1). doi:10.1029/2019PA003738 - 2020: Maria Grigoratou (University of Bristol)
Grigoratou M, Monteiro FM, Schmidt DN, Wilson JD, Ward BA, and Ridgwell A (2019) A trait-based modelling approach to planktonic foraminifera ecology. Biogeosciences 16: 1469–1492. doi:10.5194/bg-16-1469-2019 - 2019: Rowan Dejardin (University of Bristol)
Dejardin R, Kender S, Allen CS, Leng MJ, Swann GEA, and Peck VL (2018) ‘‘Live” (stained) benthic foraminiferal living depths, stable isotopes, and taxonomy offshore South Georgia, Southern Ocean: Implications for calcification depths. Journal of Micropalaeontology 37: 25–71. doi:10.5194/jm-37-25-2018 - 2018: Anieke Brombacher (University of Southampton)
Brombacher A, Wilson PA, Bailey I, and Ezard THG (2017) The breakdown of static and evolutionary allometries during climatic upheaval. The American Naturalist190 (3): 350–62. doi:10.1086/692570 - 2017: Isabel Fenton (Natural History Museum, London)
Fenton IS, Pearson PN, Dunkley Jones T, Farnsworth A, Lunt DJ, Markwick P, and Purvis A (2016) The impact of Cenozoic cooling on assemblage diversity in planktonic foraminifera. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371: 20150224. doi:10.1098/rstb.2015.0224 - 2016: Sam Slater (University of Sheffield)
Slater SM, and Wellman CH (2015) A quantitative comparison of dispersed spore/pollen and plant megafossil assemblages from a Middle Jurassic plant bed from Yorkshire, UK. Paleobiology 41(4): 640-660. - 2015: Manuel Weinkauf (University Bremen)
Weinkauf MFG, Moller T, Koch MC, and Kucera M (2014) Disruptive selection and bet-hedging in planktonic Foraminifera: Shell morphology as predictor of extinctions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2: 64. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00064. - 2014: Katy Prentice (Imperial College London)
Prentice K, Dunkley Jones T, Lees J, Young J, Bown P, Langer G, Fearn S, and EIMF (2014) Trace metal (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) analyses of single coccoliths by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 146: 90-106. - 2013: Lyndsey R. Fox (University of Leeds)
Fox LR, and Wade BS (2013) Systematic taxonomy of early-middle Miocene planktonic foraminifera from the Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1338. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 43: 374-405. - 2012: Phillip E. Jardine (University of Birmingham)
Jardine PE, Harrington GJ, and Stidham TA (2012) Regional-scale spatial heterogeneity in the late Paleoceneparatropical forests of the U.S. Gulf Coast. Paleobiology 38(1): 15-39. - 2011: Tracy Aze (Cardiff University)
Aze T, Ezard THG, Purvis A, Coxall HK, Stewart DRM, Wade BS, and Pearson PN (2011) A phylogeny of Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera from fossil data. Biological Reviews 86: 900-927. - 2010: Clara Bolton (University of Southampton)
Bolton CT, Gibbs SJ and Wilson PA (2010) Evolution of nutricline dynamics in the equatorial Pacific during the Late Pliocene. Paleoceanography 25: PA1207. doi:10.1029/2009PA001821 - 2009: Tom Dunkley-Jones (UCL)
Dunkley Jones T, Bown PR and Pearson PN (2009) Exceptionally well preserved upper Eocene to lower Oligocene calcareous nannofossils (Prymnesiophyceae) from the Pande Formation (Kilwa Group), Tanzania. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 7: 359-411. - 2008: Magali Schweizer (ETH)
Schweizer M, Pawlowski J, Kouwenhoven TJ, Guiard J, and van der Zwaan B (2008) Molecular phylogeny of Rotaliida (Foraminifera) based on complete small subunit rDNA sequences. Marine Micropaleontology 66: 233-246. - 2007: Kirsty M. Edgar (University of Southampton)
Edgar KM, Wilson PA, Sexton PF, and Suganuma Y (2007) No extreme bipolar glaciation during the main Eocene calcite compensation shift Nature 448: 908-911. - 2006: Eleanor Madison
Maddison EJ, Pike J, Leventer A, Dunbar R, Brachfeld S, Domack EW, Manley P, and McClennen C (2006) Post-glacial seasonal diatom record of the Mertz Glacier Polynya, East Antarctica. Marine Micropaleontology 60: 66-88. - 2005: Samantha J. Gibbs (National Oceanography Centre) Gibbs SJ, Young JR, Bralower TJ, and Shackleton NJ (2005) Nannofossil evolutionary events in the mid-Pliocene: an assessment of the degree of synchrony in the extinctions of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus and Sphenolithus abies. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 217: 155-172.
- 2004: Daniela N. Schmidt (University of Bristol)
Schmidt DN, Thierstein HR, Bollmann J, and Schiebel R (2004) Abiotic forcing of plankton evolution in the Cenozoic. Science 303: 207-210. - 2003: Martin A. Pearce
Pearce MA, Jarvis I, Swan ARH, Murphy AM, Tocher BA, and Edmunds WM (2003). Integrating palynological and geochemical data in a new approach to palaeoecological studies: Upper Cretaceous of the Banterwick Barn Chalk borehole, Berkshire, UK. Marine Micropaleontology 47 (3-4): 271-306. - 2002: Henning Blom
Blom H, Märss T, and Miller GC (2002) Silurian and earliest Devonian Birkeniid anaspids from the Northern Hemisphere. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Science 92(3-4): 263-323. - 2001: Gary Mullins (University of Leicester)
Mullins G (2001) Acritarchs and prasinophyte algae of the Elton Group, Ludlow Series, of the type area. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London155: 154pp. - 2000: Paul Dodsworth (University of Sheffield)
Dodsworth P (2000) Trans-atlantic dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy across the Cenomanian-Turonian (Cretaceaous) Stage Boundary. Journal of Micropalaeontology 19: 69-84.
Charles Downie Memorial Award Contributors
R. L. Austin G. A. Booth B. Braham J. P. Bujak G. Clayton M. D. Crane S. Duxbury G. L. Eaton G. A. Forbes K. J. Gueinn | A. M. Harding R. Harland K. Higgs P. J. Hill A. Hossein Zahiri W. A. M. Jenkins J. K. Lentin R. S. W. Neville B. Owens T. L. Potter | A. J. Powell S. M. Rasul M. Razzo J. B. Riding W. A. S. Sarjeant J. E. Thomas J. Utting D. Wall M. J. Whiteley G. L. Williams |
Subscriptions are welcome at any time; please send donations to the Treasurer.
Honorary Members
Honorary membership will be offered to those individuals who have, in the view of the committee, made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the Society. Honorary Members receive all the benefits of normal membership of the Society free of charge for life.
Dr Ronald L. Austin + Dr Robert Lundin + Prof. Brian M. Funnell + Prof. J.W. Neale + Prof. Bernard Owens + Dr Alan C. Higgins + Prof. Robin Whatley + Prof. John Murray + Dr John Whittaker + Prof. Malcolm Hart Dr Jim Riding Prof. David Siveter Dr Haydon Bailey | 1994 1995 1999 1999 1999 2002 2004 2005 2006 2010 2010 2015 2015 |
To support the teaching of micropalaeontology at all BSc, MSc and equivalent levels, as well as to encourage and reward student engagement and achievement in this field, The Micropalaeontological Society provides TMS Student Awards.
Each award consists of 1-year free membership to the Society and all associated member benefits, including discount on TMS and GSPH publications, discounted registration fees at TMS meetings and in the Journal of Micropalaeontology, and eligibility for awards and grants.
The awards are given annually by tutors of micropalaeontology courses. Only one award per year per institution may be given. Nominating tutors must be members of TMS and send a brief description of the course to the Secretary, who will confirm in writing that the given course is approved for the award. The Secretary will keep a list of registered micropalaeontology courses and confer with the Committee when necessary. Course tutors of registered courses may then give the award at any time of the year based on any criteria to students deemed to have achieved meritorious grades. The tutor reports the name and e-mail address of the awardee, as well as a brief statement on the criteria used to select the awardee.
Information for Tutors: To register for a micropalaeontology course at your institute, please fill in the form and send it to the Secretary. You only need to do this once unless the course has changed, or you wish to recommend a different course for the award scheme.
Approved courses to date:
- Oceans and Climate (Department of Geosciences, Aarhus Universitet)
- EA3102 Marine Microfossils (School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University)
- Zoomicropalaeontology (Department of Geology and Paleontology, Comenius University, Bratislava)
- Micropalaeontology: Principles and Applications (School of Physical and Geographical Sciences, Keele University)
- GEOL522 Micropaleontology (Earth Sciences, King Fahd University)
- 500016 Foraminiferen im Schleswig-holsteinischen Wattenmeer (IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel)
- Environmental Micropalaeontology (Jadavpur University, India)
- Palaeoecology and Biogeography / Cold and Palaeoenvironments (Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University)
- GG5220 Quaternary Microfossils (Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London)
- Microfossils & Palaeoenvironments (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham)
- Mikropaläontologie (Faculty of Geosciences, Universität Bremen)
- Micropalaeontology (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol)
- Micropaleontology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction (University of Ghent / KU Leuven)
- Micropalaeontology (School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow)
- Marine Micropaleontology (MG0230) (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg)
- Advanced Micropalaeontology (Department of Geology, University of Leicester)
- Applied Micropalaeontology (Earth Sciences, University of Lille 1)
- 16199 Micropalaeontology (Universidad del País Vasco)
- GLY 5102 Marine Micropalaeontology /GLY 5104 Applied Micropalaeontology /GLY 5207 Case Histories in Marine Micropalaeontology / Research project involving micropalaeontology (Environmental and Marine Masters Scheme in the Faculty of Science, University of Plymouth)
- U20102 Micropalaeontology, Palaeobotany & Project Preparation (School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Portsmouth)
- Microfossils, Environments and Time (Ocean & Earth Science, University of Southampton)
- Mikropaläontologie (Institut für Geowissenschaften, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen)
- PP0_28_20 Applied Micropalaeontology/Angewandte Mikropaläontologie (Center for Earth Sciences, University of Vienna)
- Cenozoic nannoplankton evolution and taxonomy, Institute of Geosciences, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Mesozoic nannoplankton evolution and taxonomy, Institute of Geosciences, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Recipients of TMS Student Awards:
- Andrew Trott – University of Leicester
- Julen Martinez-Barredo – Universidad del País Vasco
- Eleanor Jinks – Northumbria University
- Lærke Ditlevsen – Aarhus Universitet
- Ellis Dowsett – University of Portsmouth
- Nick Jespers – University of Ghent/KU Leuven
- James Tang – University of Birmingham
- Jonathan McFarlane – Keele University
- Joshua Gottwald – Universität Bremen
- Erik Lawson – Keele University
- Calum MacFie – University of Bristol
- Katherine Mitton – University of Birmingham
- Jevhan Williams – University of Birmingham
- Luke Williams – University of Bristol
- Ruben Bertels – University of Ghent / K.U. Leuven
- Pello Arriolabengoa – Universidad del País Vasco
- Sophie Bishop – University of Leicester – Sophie Bishop
- Muriel Böschen – Universität Bremen
- Alfie Bower – University of Leicester
- Viktorija Gorbas – Northumbria University
- Megan Jones – University of Bristol
- Max Kankainen – University of Gothenburg
- Matthew Perkins – Keele University
- Pieter Van Rompaey – University of Ghent / K.U. Leuven
- Harriet Dingle – Cardiff University
- James Ephgrave – University of Portsmouth
- Dennis Frenke – Universität Bremen
- Alice Paine – University of Southampton
- Leeza Pickering – Northumbria University
- Hannah Roe – Keele University
- Piet Reyniers – University of Ghent / K.U. Leuven
- Thomas Snaith – University of Leicester
- Mia Tarrant – Cardiff University
- Mia Wroe – University of Birmingham
- Eleanor Armstrong – Northumbria University
- Joshua Beech – Keele University
- William Burton – University of Southampton
- Jon Gardoqui – Universidad del País Vasco
- Janina Groninga – Universität Bremen
- Sigrid Huld – Université de Lille
- Bianca Rau – Eberhard–Karls Universität Tübingen
- Natalie Rea – Cardiff University
- Iris Vancoppenolle – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- Amy Wrisdale – University of Leicester
- Odysseas Archontikis – Université de Lille
- Luke Barlow – University of Portsmouth
- Jack Bestwick – University of Leeds
- Christopher Card – Keele University
- Debolina Chatterjee – Jadavpur University
- James Coston – University of Southampton
- Kyra Cutler – University of Birmingham
- McKenzie Huso – Universiteit Gent/Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Zurine Larena – Universidad del País Vasco
- Holly Peckover – University of Bristol
- Michael Sekula – University of Leicester
- Graham Simons – Cardiff University
- Ines Vejzovic – Universität Bremen
- Isabella Warren – University of Glasgow
- Femke Augustijns – Ghent University / KU Leuven
- Jessica Berry – Cardiff University
- Jack Bonnewell – University of Leicester
- Denisa Cretu – RHUL/NHM
- Shaan Heydenrych – Keele University
- Luke Meade – University of Birmingham
- Anna Winterberg – Universität Bremen
- Janina Bösche – Universität Bremen
- Dipankar Buragohain – Jadavpur University
- Gareth Coleman – University of Bristol
- Joshua Hedge – University of Birmingham
- Cameron Henderson – University of Portsmouth
- Leanne Herron – University of Glasgow
- William Hiles – RHUL/NHM
- Alastair Hodgetts – University of Leicester
- Lise Martens – Ghent University / KU Leuven
- Sofia Schiavo – University of Bristol
- Sebastian Scorrer – Cardiff University
- Michael Sims – University of Southampton
- Mark Sutherland – Keele University
- Elise Wallet – University of Lille
- Katharine Acheson – University of Southampton
- Sandra de Castro – Universidad del País Vasco
- John Crowe – Cardiff University
- Jessica Crumpton-Banks – University of Bristol
- Charlotte Fielder – University of Portsmouth
- James Foey – University of Keele
- Jonathan Hall – University of Leicester
- William Hiles – Royal Holloway, University of London
- Kate Newton – University of Birmingham
- Runa Reuter – Universität Bremen
- Anna Turlewicz – University of Glasgow
- Matthias Troch – Ghent University / KU Leuven
- Barbara Casas – Universidad del País Vasco
- Deborah Fish – University of Leicester
- Ryan Kingsley – Keele University
- Benjamin Man – University of Birmingham
- Ryan Marek – University of Bristol
- Nicholas Poole – Cardiff University
- Ruairidh Salmon – University of Glasgow
- Niall Shute – University of Portsmouth
- Anne Strack – Universität Bremen
- Katleen Wils – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- Rik Van Bael – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- David Cox – Keele University
- Rachel Dunn – University of Bristol
- May Fitzgibbon – University of Glasgow
- Gauthier Hainaut – University of Lille
- Simon Jost – IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel
- Tamsin Leaver – University of Southampton
- Daniela Röhnert – Universität Bremen
- Victor Ruiz-Gonzalez – Universidad del País Vasco
- Christopher Stocker – University of Leicester
- Georgina Wright – University of Birmingham
- Mar Alonso – Universidad del País Vasco/EHU
- Ellen Margaret Foster – Keele University
- Assad Ghazwani – King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
- Thomas Goode – University of Southampton (in Memory of Brian O’Neill)
- Gerallt Hughes – Cardiff University
- Robbie Moore – University of Plymouth
- Richard Ott – Universität Tübingen
- Edward Pizzey – University of Bristol
- Thomas Steeman – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- Hayley Wilkinson – University of Birmingham
- Megan Williams – University of Leicester
- Mar Alonso – Universidad del País Vasco
- Eder Amayuelas – Universidad del País Vasco
- Tim Collart – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- Christopher Duffield – University of Plymouth
- Jochen Fuss – Universität Tübingen
- Annabel Hodge – University of Bristol
- Claire Howell – Keele University
- Ann-Sophie Jonas – Kiel
- Thomas Lawrence – University of Plymouth
- Anna Mikis – Cardiff University (in memory of Brian O’Neill)
- James Wiltshire – University of Southampton
- Miryam Torrontegui Aguado – Universidad del País Vasco
- Robert Bucki – University of Birmingham
- David Button – University of Leicester
- Isabel Gilbert – University of Bristol
- Andrew Leighton – University of Plymouth (in memory of Brian O’Neill)
- Phillip Munz – Universität Tübingen
- Ross Pettigrew – Keele University
- Andrew Preddy – Cardiff University
- Cederic Van Renterghem – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- Ane García Artola – Universidad del País Vasco
- Ulrike Baranowski – Universität Tübingen
- Sam Bradley – University of Southampton
- Adam Jeffrey – Keele University
- Marion Kuhs – University of Birmingham
- Kayleigh Mills – Cardiff University
- Elien De Pelsmaeker – University of Ghent / KU Leuven
- Ben Slater – University of Bristol
- Gemma Tongue – University of Leicester
- Scott Butler – Cardiff University
- Iain Graham – University of Leicester
- Felix Marx – University of Bristol
- Johanna Schweers – Kiel
- Ben Thuy – Universität Tübingen
- Debbie Wall-Palmer – University of Plymouth
- Jenny Warner – University of Southampton