Society Membership Payments are now available via PayPal
[toggle title=”New Membership” state=”opened”]
Membership rates depend on your career state, and your country
Full: £35, Student/Retired: £20
If you live in a country classified a low / lower-middle income (following the World Bank classification), then you are eligible for reduced membership rates:
Low / lower-middle income countries, Full: £20, Student/Retired: £10
The email address entered will be used for TMS membership records and correspondence.
[toggle title=”Renew Existing Membership”]
(For one or two years at the above rates)
[toggle title=”Donation”]
This option can be used to make any other payments to the TMS. An “explanation of donation” field will appear when you make the payment, please use this to inform the treasurer what the donation is for.
Proceed to payment
To pay your membership just press one of the buttons above then either “proceed to checkout” or return to this page and click the “view your cart” button, just like in any online store. You will then be transferred to the PayPal website. This is a widely-used secure online payment system. You can use a credit or debit card to pay, (or a PayPal account if you have one). Payment can be made in any currency.
After checking what you have ordered, and entering payment details you will get to a screen to “Review your payment” before you actually send any money. On this screen there is an option to add a “Message to Treasurer”. Please use this to explain if you want to do anything non-standard, like paying for a colleague or for another year.
Your postal address can be changed at any time by contacting the Membership Secretary.
Queries or problems? Please send an email to the Treasurer.