TMS AGM 2012 and Warm Worlds Symposium Sunday 11th – Tuesday 13th November 2012 The British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham Update (25th October 2012): The third…
Quaternary to Recent Records of Environmental Change The 40th Anniversary AGM of TMS Wednesday 17th November 2010, 13.30 Pearson Lecture Theatre – University College London…
Microfossil Palaeobiogeography and Plate Tectonics – a tribute to Alfred Wegener The meeting was held at UCL, London on Wednesday 16th November 2011. A report…
The meeting was organised and hosted by Alan Lord and chaired by John Whittaker in the Arthur Holmes Room of the Geological Society of London,…
Microfossils and Evolution 18th November, 2009 Room 1.06, Roberts Engineering Building, University College London Following the conclusion of Society business, Michal Kucera and David Lazarus…
Microfossils and Extinction 19th November, 2008, 1.15pm J. Z. Young Lecture Theatre, University College London Download jpg poster (96kb) Download programme and abstracts pdf (308kb)…
Micropalaeontological Heroes 7th November, 2007, 1pm Lecture Theatre 1, Cruciform Building, University College London Download jpg poster (1.5MB) Download programme and abstracts pdf (428kb) Held…
Microfossils and Climate Change Wednesday, 15th November 2006 University College, London Read Abstracts. The Charles Downie Award for presented to Dr Samantha Gibbs. Honorary Membership…
16 November 2005 J. Z. Young Lecture Theatre, University College, London This year (2005) the AGM included invited speakers from each of the specialist groups…
December 17th saw the annual meeting and field trip of the Microvertebrate Group The field trip comprised a tour of Silurian age localities in the…
The 2004 Annual General Meeting was held on 17th November at University College London. Following Society business, two talks were presented. Ancient Glacier Bodies, the…
The Annual General Meeting was held on 26th November at University College London. Following Society business, two talks were presented. The use of reworked palynomorphs…
The Annual General Meeting was held on 21st November at University College London. Following Society business, two talks were presented. Microvertebrates and macroevolution – unravelling…
‘North West Europe and Global Perspectives’ Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, 6th – 9th October 2003 Previously this conference has been held at the…
Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, October 1-6, 2003 Extant coccolithophores have attracted a wide range of research over the past decade including…