This year, our social media team wants to keep our TMS commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and to kick things off, we welcome the first edition of #WomenInMicropalaeontology! This campaign is a continuation of our previous #IAmAMicropaleontologist.
This TMS initiative aims to empower and inspire women (cis, trans and non-binary alike) from the current and next generations by highlighting #WomenInMicropalaeontology during International Women and Girls in Science Day (February 11th). Representation, role models and mentoring are extremely important to diversify the Geosciences and break the #GlassCeiling women face in the society and science. We expect this initiative to help build (new) networks between and within #WomenInMicropalaeontology.
We invite #WomenInMicropalaeontology to participate in this campaign in two ways:
Fill out this form https://forms.gle/oPHaAhCu2B3qHWdV7 with a short text about you and include some pictures, if you like, before February 1st, 2023. We will post them on our official Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. If it is easier, you can send us a video!
Make a Post on your personal Twitter or Instagram accounts or in our Facebook group, telling us about you, your roots, work, etc., and include some photos, if desired. If you feel like recording a video, it is also welcome! Tag us and add the hashtags #WomenInMicropalaeontology & #TMSoc; we will proudly share it from our Social Media Channels!
On February 11, we will post your photos and short bios and/or share your posts if you tag us. Other members can help broadcast this campaign by re-sharing the posts, reacting, and leaving some nice comments.
We are excited to see your contributions, and stay tuned for our next DEI campaigns!
TMS Social Media Team (Sofía Barragán-Montilla & Jaime Y. Suárez-Ibarra)