Following on from last year’s successful meeting at the University of Birmingham, this years Palynology Group meeting was at the Natural History Museum in London. The meeting took place on Wednesday 13th May, and our local hosts were Dr. Susanne Feist-Burkhardt and the team of palynologists of the NHM Palaeontology Department. The venue was the prestigious Flett Theatre situated in the Museum’s Earth Galleries. As an addition, the day included a demonstration of the John Williams Index of Palaeopalynology.
Prof. Dianne Edwards (Cardiff) kindly agreed to give an invited lecture to begin the meeting. Her presentation was entitled: Beyond mid-Palaeozoic biostratigraphy: the benefits of combined in situ and dispersed spore research.
Files to download: Meeting Report (pdf 66kB), Presentation Abstracts (pdf 254kB).