The annual Lyell Meeting is jointly organized by the TMS, the Geological Society, the Palaeontological Association and the Palaeontographical Society. It showcases advances in palaeontology and its role in the Earth Sciences. This years meeting addresses the key issue of how we can use information technology to retrieve, synthesise, compile, communicate and analyse palaeontological data – Palaeoinformatics. This is an ever-more immediate challenge, of importance for palaeobiodiversity study, global change research, and petroleum exploration, but one to which the answers are by no means clear yet. The timeliness of the meeting is reflected in the participation, with the contributors being leaders in the field from the USA, UK, Germany and China. We hope the meeting will help develop international collaborations as well as providing a unique opportunity for non-specialists to gain a comprehensive understanding of state of the art in the field.
The meeting is co-organised by Jeremy Young (UCL nannofossil specialist) and Ken Johnson (NHM coral specialist) and as you can see from the programme micropalaeontology is well represented with talks by Dave Lazarus (radiolaria and the Neptune fossil occurrence database), Robert Huber, Brian Huber (planktonic foram taxonomic database development), Jeremy Young (the Nannotax database), David Horne (non-marine ostracod environmental occurrence databasing). There will also be significant microfossil content in the talks of Monica Dlubak (Neftex) on synthesing biostratigraphic data and of Robert Huber (Bremen) on integrating palaeontological and biodiversity data.
The meeting is free to TMS members, and will end with a wine reception, so it is good value. You are asked to register in advance though (see below). If you wish to bring a poster to the meeting please contact Jeremy Young (
View the meeting programme here:
The meeting website at the GeolSoc does not have an simple option for this but you can:
- Download the registration form:
- Fill it in and send it to Naomi Newbold, indicating you are a TMS member.[/infopane]