Entries are now closed, thank you to everyone who submitted fantastic fossil images!
2018 will be the fourth year The Micropalaeontological Society runs their Microfossil Image Competition. The outstanding success of the last three years is reflected by the creation of our annual Micropalaeontology Calendar! Each year, the calendars have required two print runs and have sold out! A summary of the winning images can be found here (2014, 2015 2016, 2017), whilst a Flickr archive of all submitted images can be found here.
We would like to continue this success and The Micropalaeontological Society is therefore pleased to announce the start of the 2018 Image Competition. All TMS members are invited to submit images of microfossils. Non-members are also encouraged to take part. An overall winning image will be selected and eleven joint runner-up images will be chosen for use in a TMS calendar for 2019.
We will be accepting images until 30th September 2018. This will provide the competition panel sufficient time to select the best 12 images for the calendar, get the calendar designed and subsequently printed in time for distribution towards the end of the year. Image submissions should be of micropalaeontology-related material. The subject can be an individual specimen or an assemblage and it can be a fossil or a living organism from a microfossil producing group. The type of image is also entirely open, and can include microscope photographs (reflected light, compound), SEM images or other innovative visual techniques, or more traditional artwork.
Twelve winning images will be selected for the calendar, with one image being chosen as the overall winner of the 2018 Image Competition! The winner will receive €200. All twelve winners will of course receive free copies of the calendar in addition to a certificate!
The society will print a fixed number of these calendars in the first instance, with additional print runs possible depending on demand. The society will charge a small fee for the purchase of a calendar – the price is to be confirmed but will be kept low, with all proceeds contributing towards supporting TMSoc activities. Prices will be around £10 (UK), £12 (EU) and £14 (International). Prices include postage.
Images should be submitted as high-resolution JPEG or TIFF files (less than 20mb) and should be accompanied by your name, basic technical details and a short caption. If you have any problems please contact us.
Header image: SEM of 2 testate amoebae sampled from a small river in Brittany, France. Winner of the 2016 image competition, submitted by Maxence Delaine, Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences, Lille 1 University, France
Entries are now closed, thank you to everyone who submitted fantastic fossil images!